Adiabatic Batch Reactor Apparatus

An adiabatic batch reactor is a closed system with no input and output streams. This reactor is operated under conditions like adiabatic (Temperature of Reaction Mass keep on changing), Perfectly mixed (composition of the reaction mixture is uniform throughout), and constant volume (volume of the reaction mixture within the reactor remains constant, there is no appreciable change in the density of reaction mass). This setup is used to study a catalytic homogeneous reaction under adiabatic conditions. The set-up consists of a Dewar flask of a capacity of 1 lit. fitted with a stirrer. The flask is double insulated by ceramic wool insulation. Temp. is measured by a digital temp indicator. The whole setup is mounted on a rigid M.S. frame.
Experimentation/Learning Objectives
• To study the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide with water in presence of an Iodide catalyst.
• To predict the degree of conversion from time-temperature data
Utilities Required
•Hz, 5-15 Amp combined socket with earth connection. Earth voltage should be less than 5 volts.
• Floor Area Required : 1.0 m x 1.0 m.
• Instruments, Laboratory Glassware, and Chemicals required for analysis as per the system adopted.