Computerized Cascade Refrigeration Trainer

The ?HANSA? examines the main components and principle of a wet cooling tower with forced ventilation. Water is heated in a tank and transported by a pump to an atomizer. The atomizer sprays the water to be cooled over the wet deck surface. The water trickles from the top to the bottom along the wet deck surface whilst air flows from the bottom to the top. The heat is transferred directly from the water to the air by convection and evaporation. The evaporated water volume is recorded. The airflow is generated by a fan and adjusted using a throttle valve.
The cooling column is transparent allowing clear observation of the wet deck surface and the trickling water. Interchangeable cooling columns enable comparative studies. Software for data acquisition via USB.
All important process parameters are recorded (volumetric air flow rate, temperatures of air and water, air humidity, water flow rate). The measured values can be read on digital displays. At the same time, the measured values can also be transmitted directly to a PC via USB. The data acquisition software is included. The changes of state of the air are represented in an h-x diagram.