ICE Plant Trainer

The ?HANSA? This training unit allow students to investigate air conditioning at a basic level. Students can use P-H charts and psychometric charts for their calculations and discover the enthalpy change.
The unit features an air-cooled condenser unit connected to an evaporator located in an air duct. The air duct contains relative humidity and temperature sensors on both sides of the evaporator. A small fan provides airflow down the duct and can be manually adjusted.
The refrigeration circuit features high and low pressure gauges, a pressure switch, sight glass, filter dryer and TEV valve. The circuit also includes pressure transducers that connect to the instrumentation.
Sensors record the air temperature and air humidity before and after each stage as well as the pressures and temperatures of the refrigerant. The flow rate of the refrigerant is determined by means of the pressure measurement. The measured values can be read on digital displays. At the same time, the measured values can also be transmitted directly to a PC via USB. The data acquisition software is included.